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Where are the lady cigar smokers?

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October 11, 2007
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Where are the lady cigar smokers?
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I can't believe the cigar forum is completely empty! Where are all the cigar smokers? More specifically, where are all the female cigar smokers? Surely there are women here who enjoy the pleasures of a fine Excalibur or Romeo y Julieta or one of the many other great premium cigars out there.

There's a whole elegant ritual to cigar smoking that's different from cigarettes. There are far too few women who partake of it.

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I walked out of my local credit union and smelled a pretty nice cigar. It was a good looking woman that was just closing the tailgate on her pickup with a corona sized cigar in her mouth.
Right then I could a guy that walked out when I did going over to her, that must have been her husband/boyfriend. Damn! I'm not shy and not bad looking and in good shape.I would definately have gone over to her and complimented her on the nice smelling cigar.
I would have asked her what the cigar was in hope of striking up a nice conversation. I always have a case with a few of my favorites on me and given the chance would have pulled one out to show her I shared the habit.
I like both the Excalibers and Jullietas. I may have a maduro Excaliber left and always have a couple varieties of Jullietas on hand. Those along with a few varieties and styles of Monte Cristo are the majority of what are in my humidors.
I know two local married women that smoke cigars. One is a cook at the hospital and the other sells insurance. Both attractive in their 40's. Both quit cigs, one smokes pipe tobacco cigars and the other cheap machine mades. I'd like to steal either one from their husbands and upgrade their habit.

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March 20, 2008
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.I tried cigars but prefer cigarette - but I'd like to be a cigar smoker if I could enoy it
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missvogue wrote: .I tried cigars but prefer cigarette - but I'd like to be a cigar smoker if I could enoy it

If you smoke cigarettes you should be able to enjoy a good cigar. I can't imagine a cigarette smoker not enjoying the taste of a really good cigar.
If you tried the cheap cigars they sell in most stores you haven't really tried it.
Go to a tobacco shop and get a couple good imported hand rolled cigars.
They'll probably show you how to cut them and everything if you ask.
My favorites are Monte Cristo and a few varietys of Romeo 'Y' Julieta.

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June 19, 2008
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Posted:     Post subject: ERRIE!

I havta agree w/ the other posts as to the non existance of feminine cigar ladies...its almost errie! Ya know, I wonder if women really realize that they could "have the world on a silver platter" if they only engage & embrace importcigars! They would literally be worshiped as Goddesses, & their smallest desires be fulfilled...their cup would truly runneth-over! She's out there somewhere...

Oicudoit2 aka ImportCigars
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May 18, 2009
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Hello new to the forum and I am a Lady Cigar smoker
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Hello I have been getting funny looks when I fire up my small cigar and alot of people start asking me questions on how u started smoking a cigar I tell them because I love the smell :-o

Happy Smoker
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